Proposed Classification of Council Drainage Reserves as Operational
Council proposes to classify Lots 27 and 28 within DP1303576 as Operational land. Lots 27 and 28 are drainage reserves adjoining land parcels in a newly created residential subdivision located at Townsend. By dedicating the drainage reserves as Operational, Council will be able to manage the land in accordance with the community's needs.
Drainage reserves serve an operational purpose, and as Lots 27 and 28 will both be occupied by storm water management facilities, the classification as 'Operational' is appropriate.
For further information please contact Eloise Casson on 6640 3521. Comments should be made in writing to the General Manager, Clarence Valley Council, Locked Bag 23, Grafton NSW 2460 and clearly marked "Proposed Classification of Council Drainage Reserves as Operational" or submit online by 4:00pm on the 17th of January 2025 by clicking the 'Make a Submission' button below.
Submissions close at 4pm, 17th January 2025.
Make a submission