Report a tree issue


You can report a tree or tree branch that is obstructing the road, footpath or is in danger of falling or causing damage.

What type of tree issues can you report?
  • Fallen trees or branches on nature strips, footpaths, paths and roads
  • Low obstructing branches onto public land
  • Council trees that show signs of deadwood/dieback and/or of poor habit & form that need maintenance

We won’t prune or remove a healthy tree due to leaf, flower or fruit drop. This is considered a natural process, and the benefits that trees provide outweigh the minor inconvenience of regular property maintenance.

How to report an issue

Step 1.Prepare the following information before you report

  • The location of the issue.
  • The date and time of when the issue occurred.
  • Describe the safety risks the tree poses.
  • Attach up to 3 photos of the incident.
  • Your contact details if you'd like an update.
  • Other details that will assist us with your specific issue.

Step 2.Report the issue to us

You can make a report online, in person or over the phone.