Corcoran Park Roadway & Carparking Improvements Improve the road access, boat trailer parking and car parking within Corcoran Park.
Regional Aquatic Centre The Regional Aquatic Centre is envisioned as an inclusive, contemporary aquatic facility with a variety of water spaces and support facilities to service the needs of the community.
Treelands Drive Community Hub (Yamba Community Precinct) Yamba will soon be home to a modern, spacious cultural and educational hub with the construction of the Treelands Drive Community Hub (Yamba Community Precinct)
Proposed Permanent Road Closure - Part Ashby Street Road Reserve Ashby Clarence Valley Council is proposing to permanently close part of Ashby Street road reserve, adjoining Lot 1 Section 5 DP 758035.
Amendment to Code of Meeting Practice At its November Ordinary Council Meeting, Council proposed to include an acknowledgment to service men and women.
Proposed Lease Renewal - 145 Hoof Street Grafton for storage Clarence Valley Council proposes to re new a Lease to Rotary Club Grafton Inc for a period of 5 years located at 145 Hoof Street, Grafton (being part Lot 22 DP561727)