Brooms Head onsite sewage management system upgrade We are designing and installing a new onsite sewage management system (OSSM) at the Brooms Head Holiday Park
Sports field Drainage Clarence Valley Council has secured grant funding to upgrade four separate sports parks within our Local Government Area.
Amended Aboriginal Cultural Heritage and Native Title Policy The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage and Native Title policy enables Council to address its statutory obligations under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (regarding cultural heritage) and Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) (regarding native title rights and interests) in a coordinated manner. This policy (as amended) was publicly exhibited in April 2023 as a response to a number of structural changes
Sewer and Water Connection Policy V5.0 The purpose of this policy is to outline the connection requirements for sewer and water services for new developments of all types.This updated policy not only details the connection requirements but also includes information on water and sewer connection eligibility, associated costs, and clarifies ownership and maintenance responsibilities.
Proposed Classification of Council Drainage Reserves (Townsend) Council proposes to classify Lot 27 and Lot 28 within DP1303576 as Operational land. Lots 27 and 28 are drainage reserves adjoining land parcels in a newly created residential subdivision located at Townsend. By dedicating the drainage reserves as Operational, Council will be able to manage the land in accordance with the community's needs.