Compulsory acquisition register

Resumption of land by Council, under the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991, is generally a last resort taken when all other avenues of acquiring the land have been exhausted or where the land being acquired is Crown land and the State requires Council to appropriate it from the Crown.

The following resumptions are proceeding:


 Resumption from:             

Purpose  Location   Council resolution DP/plan  Status 

Acquisition notice 

 Crown   Easement for flood penstock infrastructure  Within Alumy Creek channel immediately north of Fitzroy Street, Grafton  13.135/11 19/07/2011

Revisited at item 14.171/13 19/11/2013 to include Terms of Easement
 DP 1171741  Complete 

Government Gazette -



 Crown   Council public road  That part of Kangaroo Creek Rd & Couttaroo Pl, Coutts Crossing traversing Crown Reserve 74751 for Rubbish Depot being Lot 291 DP 752810 now Lot 2 DP 1211543  14.089/15


 DP 1211543  Complete 


Government Gazette -



 Private landowner  Council public road for roundabout Lot 20 DP 1265103 located on corner Carrs Drive and Yamba Road, Yamba  08.20.003
 DP 1265103  Complete

Government Gazette -
