Public Interest Disclosure (PID)

The Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 (PID Act) applies to all NSW public sector agencies. The PID Act provides a framework for public officials to report serious wrongdoing in the public sector, and to be protected when they do so.

Clarence Valley Council is committed to the aims and objectives of the PID Act.

Effective governance relies on public officials voicing their concerns when they witness or become aware of any wrongdoing within the public sector.

A strong ‘speak up’ culture that encourages public officials to report misconduct is important for maintaining the integrity of the public sector.

All staff must report any wrongdoing they become aware of, regardless of its severity. It is important for the Clarence Valley Council to understand what is happening or what may potentially occur. We are then responsible for ensuring your report is appropriately handled under the Public Interest Disclosure (PID) Act, or if it doesn’t fall under a PID, in accordance with our other procedures. Even if the report isn’t a PID, it may be covered by another one of the agency’s policies for handling reports, allegations, or complaints.

CVC Staff can make a disclosure  in writing, orally or anonymously to the General Manager, Disclosure Coordinator or Disclosure Officers (all Managers and Executive are disclosure officers).

Clarence Valley Council provides training modules and videos through Council training platform. Council is also conducting PID Act awareness training sessions for outdoor staff to promote the ‘speak up’ culture in the organisation.

Please refer to our Policy for more information.