Sports Tourism Program

Sports tourism - moto

Sports tourism refers to travel for either observing or participating in a sporting event.

The Sports Tourism program is focused on ensuring that sports tourism remains a significant part of our local economy across the LGA. It's all about having fun and trying new things! It's an excellent way to travel, participate in various sporting events, and create new memories.

Sports tourism not only brings excitement to the region but also provides a significant boost to the local economy through the visitor economy and aligns with the current Clarence Valley tourism strategic plan, such as The Clarence River Way Masterplan.

But the best part of sports tourism in the Clarence Valley isn't just the activities – it's about immersing yourself in the vibrant spirit of our community! Whether you're a thrill-seeker, nature lover, or just looking for a unique getaway, visitors will find an adventure they will never forget in the Clarence Valley.

This program ensures sports tourism is a continual component of the local economy, by supporting organisations to produce new or continuing sporting events and initiatives for the benefit of the Clarence Valley community.

Key Dates

Applications open on 1 April each year and close once funds have been exhausted. 

Ensure your event is accessible and inclusive:  Toolkit-for-Accessible-and-Inclusive-Events.pdf

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