Managing Unreasonable Conduct by Complainants V3.0

This policy is guided by the NSW Ombudsman’s Managing Unreasonable Conduct by Complainants Model Policy published August 2021. For a best practice approach Council has updated the policy to reflect the model policy from the NSW Ombudsman’s Office. 

Council is committed to being accessible and responsive to all complainants who approach us for assistance and/or with a complaint. When complainants behave unreasonably in their dealings with Council, their conduct can significantly affect our success. As a result, Clarence Valley Council will take proactive and decisive action to manage any complainant conduct that negatively and unreasonably affects us and will support our staff to do the same in accordance with these policies.  

(PDF, 392KB)The policy contains the following appendices:

Appendix A – Individual rights and mutual responsibilities of the parties to a complaint

Appendix B –UCC incident form

Appendix C –Checklist - modify or restrict a complainant’s access

Appendix D – Sample warning letter

Appendix E – Sample letter notifying a complainant of a decision to change or restrict their access to our services

Appendix F –Letter notifying a complainant of an upcoming review

Appendix G –Checklist for reviewing a decision regarding an access change/restriction

Appendix H – Sample letter advising the complainant of the outcome of a review